Eating Well is All About What and When

Digestacure Eating well is an essential part of any diet and crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, it is often forgotten that living well does not just consist of what you eat. When you eat is also a factor. The human body works on a 24-hour clock, often referred to as a circadian rhythm. Our biological clocks send signals through our body when it is time to wake up and go to sleep, but does not control the digestive process. For this reason, eating late can disturb people’s natural sleep patterns.

Busy schedules and stressful days often trigger an endless search for food. In addition to disrupting sleep cycles, constant snacking throughout the day, even if the foods consumed are healthy, forces the body to work harder to break down foods and extract nutrients. Adequate time needs to be left between meals and snacks so the body can successfully process what is eaten. The body uses a large number of genes to break down fat and cholesterol. If a person eats continuously, the genes never have the time to engage fully in the digestive and nutrient extraction process.

It should be remembered that skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight. In fact, choosing not to eat slows down your metabolism, making it more difficult to lose weight. Between work schedules and dieting, breakfast is usually the first meal to go. However, a healthy breakfast filled with good carbohydrates and protein will kick start your metabolism and is likely to keep your eating habits on track for the rest of the day.

Still, eating late at night or on an unconventional schedule may be the highest offense when trying to maintain a healthy diet. The largest part of fat burning occurs during sleep. In this time, the liver burns fats instead of burning carbohydrates. In general, studies have shown that people who sleep more weigh less.

For more information about why eating well at the right times is important, please visit

via Digestacure