Powerful Foods

Digestacurerecent article in iDiva talks about nutraceuticals or functional foods that can have a bigger impact on your heathy than you might suspect. Nutraceuticals can “provide medical or health benefits that go beyond nutritional value. This includes the prevention and treatment of diseases from tummy ailments to the deadly cancer.”

One food that has great nutritional value is Yogurt. Yogurt is high in calcium, which helps digestion and can possibly prevent osteoporosis. Yogurt is also fortified with live bacteria cultures that can enhance the immune system and help lower cholesterol. There is also increasing evidence that the great food can prevent colon cancer.

Green tea is another helpful aid as it is full of phytochemicals called polyphenols. These are antioxidants “that may help to detoxify carcinogens.” Quoted from the article, “Among Asians, this brew is a staple, and studies indicate that they have the lowest rates of pancreatic and colorectal cancers. Animal research also indicates that they protect against several other cancers, including esophageal, rectal, gall bladder and endometrial. Being a rich source of floride it is a good cavity fighter too.”

An additional food that can have positive support is garlic. Studies have shown that garlic can help lower cholesterol and could protect against some forms of cancer and increase immunity. It is a good thing garlic is used so heavily in cooking as it can enhance flavor greatly. Garlic can also be helpful in burning fat.

One of the first foods found to have a great impact on cholesterol are oats. The Food and Drug Administration enabled oatmeal makers to advertise their products as an aid in lowering cholesterol. Fibre that is found in oats binds to cholesterol and helps carry it out of the body.

If you make these foods apart of your diet you could be impacting your diet in a very positive way.

via Digestacure http://digestacureproduct.com/powerful-foods/